blog 8

Emotional and social changes are more valuable than monetary donations. “Does your prefered deed make as much of a difference as simply handing over the money?” The effective altruists’ idea of replaceability states that you have to do more than others in your position to really make a difference.

Emotional and social changes are more valuable than monetary donations. As effective altruists believe, “Does your prefered deed make as much of a difference as simply handing over the money?”(Southan, 435). In other words, the effective altruists believe that money is the most efficient way of making changes and therefore other ways, like art, are a waste of time and materials.

I added more to this quote because it did not frame the quote well. I kinda jumped around instead of introducing or explaining the quote.

Similarly, the quote in southan’s essay “Artists meanwhile paint the beautiful landscapes while the rest of the world burns”.

Southan complicates this view when he writes “Artists meanwhile paint the beautiful landscapes while the rest of the world burns” (437). I believe this concept can have more than one perspective as well. The artist could be seen as being selfish and not doing anything to help, or he could be seen as someone putting in effort to raise awareness of the beauty still left in the world and how to preserve it.

In this quote, I failed to frame the quote at all. Also didn’t even finish my train of thought. I think this would be an easy mistake to miss because my eyes just ran over the quote because I have read it before. By proving the quote with framework, it had more meaning to my essay.

Southan’s text even supports this by explaining the different effects liberal and progressive art forms, such as TV shows and books, had on the U.S. culture. For example, Southan says in his text that “U.S. TV series Will and Grace might have made some americans more accepting of gay people, but it also arguably imposed homonormative expectations on how gay people are supposed to act” (439). Southan is mentioning that sometimes the goals of artwork are achieved, but bring opposing views or meaning to others along with it. By mentioning this, Southan shows that art has the power to change societal views and that artists have a responsibility to make differences without using monetary methods.

I added this quote into my essay because I feel like it explains what I was trying to say more directly and provides others’ views and not just my own by bringing in a quote.